antifreeze concentrate for engine Antifreeze Red 12+

antifreeze concentrate for engine Antifreeze Red 12+

antifreeze concentrate for engine Antifreeze Red 12+

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  • MRP ₹ 1,499.00

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XADO Antifreeze Red 12 - is:

  • Special development, guarantees the reliable operation of the cooling system of motors;
  • Guaranteed teamwork system for 3.5 years;
  • Ensuring optimum thermal regime of the engine even under overload;
  • Support system in perfect purity;
  • Absolute security for aluminum and alloys, as well as synthetic materials, rubber, plastics and coatings;
  • Protect the bearing cooling system pump in case of sudden damage or wear of the gland.

Why XADO Antifreeze Red 12+ contains revitalizant

The most important and expensive cooling system unit - pump. The pump circulates coolant through pipelines and canals. The most "weak" place the pump is its bearing. From coolant is protected by a sealing gasket (gland). If seal tightness in the bearing gets antifreeze and disables the pump.
 Revitalizant contained in XADO Antifreeze Red 12+, to protect pump and ensures pump operation under emergency conditions twice longer than without revitalizant.

The application of

Value XADO Antifreeze Red 12+ - Water for preparation of a cooling liquid

XADO Antifreeze Red 12+ Water Temperature, C
1 part (33%) 2 parts (67%) - 17
1 part (50%) 1 part (50%) - 36
2 parts (67%) 1 part (33%) - 64


During engine operation occurs the evaporation of water from the cooling fluid, which increases the concentration of antifreeze. Therefore, in order to maintain the coolant level must be periodically adding water. If liquid leaks out of the system, it is recommended to refill antifreeze previously diluted with water. The ratio of water and coolant temperature depends on the mode of operation of cars. XADO Antifreeze G12 + is compatible with all automotive coolants, painted in blue, green, yellow and purple.

Maximum corrosion protection for the engine cooling system XADO Antifreeze Red 12+ provides in a water solution.

It does not contain amines, phosphates, nitrates and silicates.

The requirements and tolerances

  • VW TL-VW 774 D (G12)
  • TL-VW 774 D (G12 +), MB 325.3
  • Detroit Diesel (incl Powercool plus
  • Ford WSS-M97B44-D
  • Opel-GM6277M + B0401065
  • MAN 324 Typ SNF
  • Renault Type D
  • PSA
  • Deutz
  • MWM 0199-99-1115 (0199-99-2091)
  • BS 6580
  • ASTM D3306 / D4656 / D4985
  • JASO M325
  • NATO S-759
  • Scania TB1451

Antifreeze Red 12 liquid concentrate for engine cooling systems - a high-quality tool, which guarantees to ensure optimal conditions for the engine cooling system. Antifreeze is recommended to be used for cars and trucks VW, MB, Ford, Opel, MAN. The drug has a special crimson color. The basis for the manufacture of tools served as monoethylene glycol and corrosion inhibitors of the latest generation. The product includes revitalizant, which ensures coherent functioning of mechanisms for over 5 years.

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